Using A Joystick And Mouse


Setting up and adjusting your joystick

Flight Simulator is most realistic when you use a joystick, yoke, or other controller. You can fly more precisely, and the buttons and controls make it easy to change views, adjust the throttle, extend or retract the landing gear and flaps, and operate other aircraft controls.

Flight Simulator is compatible with joysticks, yokes, game pads, and other controllers supported by Microsoft Windows and the DirectInput device standard. Use the device that works best for you as your primary control, and customize it to suit your needs. Many products feature different configurations, so refer to your controller's documentation for its button assignments.

Before you fly, make sure your joystick or other controller is:

Also make sure you have the latest device drivers. If in doubt, download and install them from the manufacturer's Web site.

Joystick Commands

Depending on your joystick, you'll probably have buttons for frequently used controls and for cockpit views, but you'll still need to use the mouse or keyboard for other functions.

1. (Trigger) release brakes
2. Cycle views
3. Elevator trim down
4. Elevator trim up
5. Extend flaps
6. Retract flaps
7. Display kneeboard
8. Landing gear up/down
9. (Hat switch) Look around
10. Throttle control

Here's a list of the default joystick commands:

Action Command
Apply/release brakes Button 1 (trigger)
Cycle views (Cockpit, Tower, Track, Spot) Button 2
Elevator trim down Button 3
Elevator trim up Button 4
Extend flaps Button 5
Retract flaps Button 6
Display/hide Kneeboard Button 7
Landing gear up/down Button 8
Bank left (ailerons) Move stick left
Bank right (ailerons) Move stick right
Pitch down (elevator) Move stick forward
Pitch up (elevator) Move stick backward
Yaw left (rudder) Twist stick left
Yaw right (rudder) Twist stick right
Look ahead/right Move hat switch up/right
Look right Move hat switch right
Look back/right Move hat switch down/right
Look back Move hat switch down
Look back/left Move hat switch down/left
Look left Move hat switch left
Look ahead/left Move hat switch up/left
Look up Move hat switch up

Customizing Joystick Assignments

Use the Controls Assignments dialog box to customize joystick assignments to suit your flying style.


To change joystick button commands

  1. On the Options menu, point to Controls, and then choose Assignments.
  2. Click the Buttons/Keys tab.
  3. Select either the Normal or Slew Mode option, depending on which mode you want to change commands for.
  4. In the Event category list, choose the category of events that you want to set.
    For example, select Autopilot commands to customize the commands for the autopilot. Your selection determines what appears in the Assignment list below, which lists events and their corresponding key and joystick commands.
  5. In the Assignment list, select the event that you want to set to a different joystick button.
  6. Click Change Assignment to choose a new joystick button assignment for the event you've selected.
    The Select Assignment dialog box will open.
  7. Press the joystick button that you want to use for the selected event. If the button is currently being used and you don't want to replace it, click the Clear button.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Make any additional changes you want using steps 3 through 8 above.
  10. Click OK.


To change joystick axes

  1. On the Options menu, point to Controls, and then choose Assignments.
  2. Click the Joystick Axes tab.
  3. Select either the Normal or Slew Mode option, depending on which mode you want to change commands for.
  4. In the Assignment list, select the event that you want to set to a different joystick axis.
  5. Click Change Assignment to choose a new joystick axis for the event you've selected.
    The Select Assignment dialog box will open.
  6. Move the joystick axis that you want to use for the selected event. If the axis is currently being used and you don't want to replace it, click the Clear button.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Make any additional changes you want using steps 3 through 8 above.
  9. Click OK.


Testing Your Joystick

To test your joystick

  1. Make sure your joystick is plugged in and installed according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. On the Options menu, point to Controls and make sure the Disable Joystick option is visible (indicating that your joystick is enabled). If not, click Enable Joystick.
  3. On the Options menu, point to Controls, and then choose Calibrate Joystick.
  4. Click the name of the joystick that you want to test, and then click Properties.
  5. On the Test tab, move the controls and buttons on your joystick and watch the results on screen.
  6. Click OK.

Calibrating Your Joystick

If your joystick seems to be behaving erratically, you may need to calibrate it.

You can calibrate your joystick in the Windows
Game Controllers dialog box

Calibrating Your Joystick in Flight Simulator

To calibrate your joystick

  1. Make sure your joystick is plugged in and installed according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. On the Options menu, point to Controls and make sure the Disable Joystick option is visible (indicating that your joystick is enabled). If not, click Enable Joystick.
  3. On the Options menu, point to Controls, and then choose Calibrate Joystick.
  4. Click the name of the joystick you want to calibrate, and then click Properties.
  5. On the Settings tab, click the Calibrate button.
  6. Follow the instructions on the screen.

Adjusting Joystick Sensitivity

Flight Simulator's preset sensitivity for joysticks is in the middle of the range, and the response rate is average. You can adjust these sensitivities; experiment to find the setting you like best.

"Sensitivity" refers to how sensitive the joystick is for a given axis. For example, with high sensitivity, the slightest movement of the joystick will have a large effect on the aircraft's controls in Flight Simulator.

"Null Zone" refers to how much "dead space" there is in a given joystick axis center position. For example, with a large null zone, you will be able to move the joystick slightly before it has an effect on the aircraft's controls in Flight Simulator.

You can adjust joystick sensitivity in the Controls Sensitivities dialog box


To adjust the sensitivity of your joystick

  1. Make sure your joystick is plugged in and installed according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. On the Options menu, point to Controls and make sure the Disable Joystick option is visible (indicating that your joystick is enabled). If not, click Enable Joystick.
  3. On the Options menu, point to Controls, and then choose Sensitivities.
  4. In the Sensitivities dialog box, click the Joystick tab.
  5. To adjust the sensitivity for all axes simultaneously, click the Simple option, then drag the Sensitivities-all axes and Null zones-all axes sliders to the settings you want.
    To adjust the sensitivity for each for each axis separately, click the Advanced option, then select each axis and drag its Sensitivity and Null zone sliders to the settings you want.
  6. Click OK.

To reset all sensitivity options to their default values, click the Reset Defaults button.

Adjusting Joystick Forces

If you are using a force-feedback joystick, such as the Microsoft SideWinder Force Feedback 2, you can enable or disable any or all force-feedback options:

If you have a force-feedback joystick, you can adjust the forces in the Controls Forces dialog box


To adjust joystick forces

  1. On the Options menu, point to Controls, and then choose Joystick Forces.
  2. Select or clear the desired force feedback options.
  3. Click OK.

To disable all force feedback options, clear the Enable force feedback checkbox in the Controls Forces dialog box.

Clicking, dragging, and scrolling around the cockpit

The mouse can be a Flight Simulator pilot's best copilot, acting as the hand that flicks switches, resets the altimeter, moves the GPS display within view, and helps you scroll through your flight notes. Just click the control you want to operate. Some controls act like toggle switches: for example, clicking the landing gear lever once retracts the wheels; clicking it again extends them. Other controls, such as the throttle and trim wheel, move through a series of positions. You can drag these controls using the mouse, much as you would move them using your hand in a real airplane.

Using the Mouse Wheel

If you have a mouse with a wheel on it, you can use it to manipulate many cockpit controls, such as adjustment knobs and the trim wheel. Move the pointer over the control until the pointer changes to a hand, and then roll the mouse wheel to change the control.

Rollover Descriptions

You can discover each gauge's function simply by rolling over it with the mouse without clicking; a description will pop up.

Toggle Switches

To flip toggle switches, position the mouse over the switch you wish to change and click. Since toggles only have two positions, clicking a second time on the same switch will return it to its original position.

Adjustment Knobs

Many of the cockpit gauges, such as the altimeter and heading indicator, have adjustment knobs, which should be adjusted prior to and during flight. Other instruments, such as the VOR OBS knob, should be adjusted during flight.

To turn knobs, position your pointer over the instrument's control knob. When the pointer sits on either side of the knob, a hand cursor appears.

When the hand with the minus sign (-) appears, clicking will reduce the instrument's setting; the opposite is true when the plus sign (+) hand appears. If you click and hold the knob, the instrument's control knob will begin to rotate in the direction indicated. Release the mouse when the knob reaches the desired setting.

Remember: You can also use the mouse wheel to turn the adjustment knobs. Move the pointer over the control until the pointer changes to a hand, and then roll the mouse wheel to change the control.


Some controls—such as the throttle, trim wheel, and mixture—can be pulled using the mouse. First move the pointer over the desired control, then click and hold while dragging.

Control panel icons offer an easy way to access flight maps, the GPS receiver, and other instruments located outside the screen frame. Familiarize yourself with their functions:

Some aircraft also have throttle control icons, ceiling panel icons, and flap lever panel icons; these icons will also appear on the control panel. Roll over the icons to read what each represents, then click on the items that you wish to display or hide.

Using the Mouse in the Virtual Cockpit

In this version of Flight Simulator, the mouse works in the 3D Virtual Cockpit just as it works in the two-dimensional Cockpit View. Use your joystick's hat switch or your keyboard's numeric keypad to display the panel you want, then use the mouse as described above.