Using The Kneeboard
Your best source for in-flight information
Real-world pilots need to refer to lots of information while they fly, and most put everything they need at their fingertips: on a kneeboard. In Flight Simulator, you don't need to sort through piles of paper. Everything you need is assembled for you on a kneeboard that is accessible as you fly.
The Flight Simulator kneeboard includes six pages:
When you click on the kneeboard (to change pages or to scroll) the kneeboard takes focus, and pressing key commands will have no effect on the simulation. To restore focus to the simulation, click anywhere outside the kneeboard, or close it.
Press F10 to display the kneeboard.
To display the kneeboard
Once the kneeboard is displayed, you can drag it around the screen. The next time you open the kneeboard, it will reopen to the same location.
To view the different kneeboard pages
To close the kneeboard